Did you know, the overharvesting of fish oil has led to the depletion of marine fish populations? Overfishing is responsible for destroying nearly A THIRD of the world’s fisheries.* 🎣
🎣 Kendamil formulas are all fish oil-free.
At Kendamil, from the very beginning, we made a commitment to be kinder on the planet in everything we do. Sourcing the finest sustainable ingredients for babies without compromising our nutritional value, has always been at the forefront of our values.
That’s why we have never, and WILL NEVER use fish-oil in any of our Kendamil product range. With a uniquely vegetarian recipe, our Kendamil formulas get all of the omega-3 DHA your little one needs right from the source: microalgae!

Why using plant-based DHA is better than using fish oil in baby milk:
- Safety & traceability. Plant-based DHA, sourced from microalgae, is cultivated in a controlled pollution free environment. It offers extra assurance in terms of safety and cleanliness.
- A natural source of DHA. The microalgae we use is pure and contains NO ocean-borne contaminants.
- Purity. The microalgae we use is a cleaner, more direct source of omega-3 DHA.
- Biodiversity. We DON’T contribute to the ongoing overfishing crisis. We choose to protect our marine reserves.
- Vegetarian-friendly. By using plant-based DHA, our formula is uniquely vegetarian-friendly. We pride ourselves on dietary-inclusiveness.
- No fish oil smell.
Let’s expand on these points. Ready for some science and sustainability, KendaFamily? 🌟
🐡 Why is sourcing fish oil bad for our planet?
Worryingly, overfishing (often associated with commercial fishing) is responsible for destroying nearly A THIRD of the world’s fisheries. That’s a HUGE amount of ocean-based wildlife being harmed. And this means MASSIVE destruction to our delicate marine ecosystems.
By being kinder to the planet and using micro algae oil instead of fish oil in our Kendamil baby milk range makes all the difference to the marine environment without compromising ANY nutritional content.
In a nutshell, algal oil provides the omega-3 that a baby needs, without harming any creature, depleting our natural resources or hurting wildlife. Here are some benefits to sourcing microalgae oil instead of fish oil:
🐟 By adding algal oil instead of fish oil, we do our part to protect the delicate marine ecosystem that our world depends on.
Overfishing has led to an imbalance in marine ecosystems. Plastic nets, hooks and debris are released into the oceans where fishing occurs, which are often a primary culprit in damaging sensitive marine ecosystems.
2. 🐟 Sourcing microalgae instead of fish preserves fish reserves for local communities that rely on sustainable fishing for their livelihood.
There are many who rely on sustainable, ethical fishing practices for their livelihood. Overfishing depletes resources for local communities.
3. 🐟 Microalgae provides a VEGETARIAN source of omega-3.
This means that microalgae can provide our little ones with the omega-3 they need, without compromising nutritional value. It also allows our formulas to be UNIQUELY vegetarian-friendly. And no fishy smells!
🌿 How is algal oil a sustainable, plant-based source of omega-3s (DHA) in Kendamil formula milk?
Microalgae is the original source of omega-3 DHA. Fish accumulate omega-3 in their tissue because they consume microalgae.
Therefore, sourcing and harvesting microalgae is the kindest method to source a natural, cleaner omega-3 DHA. Many say this could make microalgae the ‘food of the future’ because it provides such high omega-3 content WITHOUT compromising the health of our planet.
Some facts about microalgae which prove it’s an incredibly sustainable source:
🌱 So, what exactly is omega-3 DHA (and omega-6 ARA)?

You might have heard the terms ‘DHA’ and even ‘ARA’ thrown around. You might also be wondering if and how they are beneficial to your baby.
Breast milk contains both ARA & DHA, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) of the omega-6 and omega-3 series. Both these LCPUFAs are added to our baby milk.
These LCPUFAs are crucial for a baby's normal growth and development, supporting normal visual development in children and each of which are naturally present in breast milk*.
🍼 How does my baby get omega 3 DHA without taking fish oil?
You might have heard the popular belief that fish produce omega-3.
HOWEVER, here’s the crux of it all: fish DON’T produce their own omega-3. Just like humans, they need to get their DHA from their food. And “what’s the main source of omega-3 for fish?” you might ask? Microalgae!
By using microalgae oil instead of fish oil as the omega-3 DHA source for your little one’s development in all of our Kendamil baby milks, we're getting it directly from the source. ALL of the nutritional benefits while doing so sustainably. That's what we call a win-win!
🤔 How does Kendamil provide plant-based DHA??
Really, what you need to know is that omega-3 DHA is important for your little one’s development in a number of ways. Stick with us, here.
- Humans (including babies!) do not naturally produce omega-3, so it must be introduced via our diet.
- DHA is produced from an essential fatty acid called ALA (alpha-Linoleic acid). ALA helps create DHA inside the body and can be found in most vegetable oils, particularly rapeseed oil.
- Kendamil uniquely combines nutritious whole milk fats with these healthy essential fatty acids (EFAs) found in a combination of sunflower and rapeseed oil, which are naturally high in linolenic fatty acids (omega-6) and ALA (omega-3).
- As we know from point 1, the body either needs ALA (to naturally convert to DHA) OR it needs a direct source of DHA. Remember, we cannot produce it naturally!
- Therefore, as long as a baby is fed ALA, they can produce some DHA (basically the ALA becomes a longer chain to form DHA - with more carbon atoms and more double bonds!). However, generally to reach the adequate levels of DHA to support normal visual development, our little ones require a direct supplement.
- That’s where our microalgae comes in! Alongside the EFAs from rapeseed and sunflower oil, we add marine algal oil as our direct source of plant-based DHA.
If we lost you there, don’t worry! To summarise, we provide not one, but TWO SOURCES of omega-3 to our Kendamil baby milk range to ensure your baby gets all the omega-3 DHA that they need. We provide one version of omega-3 (ALA), which the body converts naturally into DHA and we ALSO provide plant-based DHA direct from the source - microalgae!
By using plant-based DHA in all of our Kendamil baby milks we don’t compromise on nutrition OR the planet.
🐠 A fish oil-free movement! Kendamil is kinder to your baby AND to the planet.
We will continue to do right by your little ones AND by the planet. Because, for us, the two are connected.
At Kendamil, we are not just providing a nourishing formula for your baby; we are doing our part to ensure the planet they inherit is as healthy and thriving as they are
That’s why we’re also palm oil-free and 100% British-made. We believe in supporting local farms and families. AND, because we source all our ingredients in the UK, we have a really (really!) small carbon footprint. A small footprint means BIG strides towards a healthier world! 🐟🦈🐠💙
We’re ever-committed to being a kinder, more traceable and more sustainable baby formula brand. Let’s protect our precious marine ecosystems. Let’s keep fish OUT of our baby milk and IN our oceans.
Thank you for supporting us in every sustainable step we’ve taken so far. 💙 🌏
<Shop our uniquely vegetarian, fish oil-free range, here>

- *https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/overfishing
- *https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/the-green-sludge-that-could-transform-our-diets.html
- *https://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferhicks/2018/06/15/see-how-algae-could-change-our-world/?sh=49ecd97a3e46
- *https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.2903/j.efsa.2008.794