If you suspect your baby has an allergy it's very important to consult with your child's GP and they can then refer them for further tests.

There are many different symptoms of cow's milk protein allergy, including diarrhoea, constipation, eczema, hives, rash, reflux, vomiting, refusing to feed, runny nose, cough, and general symptoms such as tiredness and sleeping problems.

We currently do not create any hypoallergenic formulas, but we've received positive customer feedback here about babies with milk protein sensitivity doing well on Kendamil Comfort Milk which contains partially hydrolyzed whey protein and starch and has a reduced lactose content too. This all means that the proteins have been broken down into smaller fragments, making them easier to digest. You can learn more about our Comfort Milk here.

Another popular alternative formula is Kendamil Goat formula which you can learn all about here. However, please take note that some protein structures are found in both cow's milk and goat's milk, so a child with cow's milk sensitivity may also have a sensitivity to goat's milk.

Again, please consult with your paediatrician if you are considering switching baby formula because of a possible allergic reaction.

If you are planning to switch baby formula or have already switched, please be aware that it may take a little while for your baby to adjust to the new formula completely. We generally recommend a transition period of 7 - 14 days, during which you can gradually introduce the new baby formula by introducing feeds alongside the ‘old’ baby formula. Gas and constipation are fairly common side effects that can occur until your baby adjusts.

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